Stimulating free thinking with freely adjustable desk positions that can accommodate a wide range of ways of working

These workstations enable workers to freely adjust tabletop heights so that they can maintain their ideal body posture, whether working while standing or sitting. This helps workers perform at their best.

Making it possible to raise or lower tabletops, which are areas for concentration and are ideally free of visual and auditory stimulation, helps to create a comfortable environment in which it is easy to focus.

Desks for managers, where a lot of time is usually spent holding meetings, can be moved to a position for standing, and this makes it possible to efficiently hold meetings in which people freely gather around the desk, thereby promoting the sharing of information within the organization.

Optimal performance achieved with the ability to freely adjust tabletop heights

“Workcise” refers to “performing work in such a way that it provides health benefits.” This helps enhance the physical and mental health of workers and contributes to health management at the company.

In order for workers to deliver efficient and effective performance, it is important for them to be able to maintain their ideal body posture.

*According to Itoki verification test results

Healthy ways of working

We at Itoki conducted a survey targeting 32 of our employees.
The introduction of standing work for two hours per day over a period of six weeks resulted in decrease in average waist size of 0.8 cm.

*According to Itoki verification test results

Promoting conversation

Having the ability to choose to sit or stand when holding meetings in accordance with the aims and content of such meetings, helps to promote communication.

*According to Itoki verification test results

Vitalizing the body

Alertness level* and performance are both higher when switching the body position between standing and sitting, versus maintaining a body position of only sitting.

*“Alertness level” is an indicator that refers to the degree of activity of the sympathetic nerves (nerves that control excitement), and also expresses the degree of vitalization of the body.

EBARA T et al., Effects of Adjustable Sitstand VDT Workstations on Workers'
Musculoskeletal Discomfort, Alertness and Performance, Ind Health, 46(5):497-505, 2008


This product name is the brand name that is used in Japan.