Explore Workplace Data Book :

Entire Office

Entire Office

What is an office composed of?

Office composition ratio

An office is composed of workspace area, operation support area, executive only area, life support area, information management area and corridors.

61% Workspace
39% Other areas

What is the office area per person?

8.2m² Office area allocated per person
5.0m² Workspace allocated per person


What size are the
desks in the

Desk composition ratio based on size

53% Less than 1200mm wide
37% 1400 - 1200mm wide

What kind of layout is used?


Island-style layout

Island-style layout with large top board desks


Non-territorial layout

Non-territorial layout

Companies that use the non-territorial system are on an upward trend. Some companies are 100% non-territorial. There are more instances of "manager islands" where managers gather. This approach is expected to improve connections between departments and speed up decision-making.

Meeting & Reception Rooms

What are the capacities of private rooms?

Meeting and reception room
composition ratio based on capacity

80% Meeting rooms with capacity
of less than 12 people
5-6 people Most popular capacity room

What is the area per person?

1.1m² Area per person for meeting and
reception rooms

When examining the number of work desks, one seat in the meeting/reception rooms is shared by 1.9 workers (seats).

Operation & Life Support

What is the storage capacity per worker?

2.2 fm Storage capacity

This is equivalent to a little less than three cabinet drawers with a width of 90 cm

* fm (file meter) The unit to indicate the volume of the documents or files. The unit indicates the height of the documents or files in meters, regardless of the size, when piled up and is employed when deciding the storing capacity of a cabinet or storage warehouse.

What is the availability of refreshing space?

65% Availability ratio of refreshing space

What is the area of refreshing space per worker?

0.3m² Refreshing space